This morning I made my way over to the annual
Oakhurst Community Garden Plant Sale with my friends Nicole and Jason. (I am kicking myself for not taking any pictures while I was there! Anyways, here's some shots from their website of what it looks like. Just pretend you can see us in there... I'll get better about taking my camera along with me...). Jason and Nicole got a lovely, restrained selection of vegetables, herbs, and flowers for the pots on their deck. I on the other hand went a little overboard with excitement.
My load for the morning included romaine lettuce, butter lettuce, chard, cilantro, lemon thyme, parsley, basil, pickling cucumbers, beefsteak tomatoes, rainbow cherry tomatoes, San Marzano tomatoes, calliope eggplant, bell peppers, zucchini, and summer squash.
While it does seem like a lot, I feel like this is probably a realistic amount to start with. The herbs I will do in pots that can stay on the porch with easy range of the kitchen, and the rest will go in
the raised bed that my mom's boyfriend, Mike, my gentlemen, Matt, and I will all build tomorrow. I am heading to Home Depot after work to pick up materials, and then over to
Gardenhood for all of the soil, compost, and mulch I will need for the bed.
The weather this weekend is perfect out and it is honestly killing me that I am stuck in the gallery at work today and am not outside working on my garden. Soon!